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The Future of Rail on Cal Poly's Land: Predictions, Frustrations,
and Recomendations


Currently, San Luis Obispo suffers from an insufficient long-distance mass transit system. Amtrak currently runs on the Southern Pacific Rail Line and a trip to Los Angeles or San Francisco takes over 6 hours! One solution to the growing problem of low mass transit ridership would be the introduction of High Speed Trains.

example of High Speed Train

Above: futuristic high speed train

The growing need for alternative modes of transportation is highlighted by current issues such as soaring gas prices and high levels of traffic congestion. These problems are reflected in the ever-growing use of urban mass transportation. e.g. light-rail and bus. Although current trends in American urban transportation reflects that of Europe and Asia, it seems time for America to give serious thought to not only urban mass transit but also travel from one major city to another.

According to an article by the NC Times (North County Times), Amtrak ridership was at an all time high last year in California: 4.6 million. This is signficant evidence the we are amidst a paradigm shift. While the evidence proves such, Amtrak's current system cannot cater to the levels of ridership seen in Europe and elsewhere.

San Luis Obispo has always be defined by the addition of the Southern Pacific Rail Line, and the railroad has provided the necessary connection for the introduction of Cal Poly University, which would prove to be invaluable for the economic security of the city. With some attension and creative planning, the railroad could greatly influence travel to and from San Luis Obispo especially with regard to the large student population. Additionally, the introduction of an up-to-date rail system could greatly influence the feel of the city by reducing traffic as well as pollution in and around San Luis Obispo. Currently, the College's Master Plan is insufficient in providing the necessary attention to the railroad as a viable part of the college.


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